The Spring Hill Guyana Mission began in the summer of 2010 in the new small rural congregation in Good Hope, Guyana. Andrew, the preacher there, had just graduated from the preaching school and there were about 10-15 people meeting under a tarp under the house of one of the members. Yearly mission trips were made to encourage the brethren there, house-to-house teaching, conduct VBS and nightly gospel campaigns, and when possible, conduct a medical clinic for the members and the entire village.
Over the years, the congregation grew to nearly 100 people worshiping on Sunday mornings. Guyana Missions also branched out to other areas such as Parika and Tuschen conducting the same events there as in Good Hope. The Good Hope members planted a new congregation up Bethany Creek, we call the Creek Church. It serves many people who live along the banks of the creek and is only accessible by boat.
We have four congregations we are now helping: Tuschen, Parika, Good Hope and the Creek Church. Our priorities and goals are as follows:
Continue to build up the brethren in Guyana by nearly daily contact with the preachers there through email and messenger and our presence with them in the summer.
Solicit workers for the field:
Bible teachers for adult, families, women and children.
Anyone who can talk, sing, play or be of support.
Those willing to speak in front of the congregation.
Provide VBS/Sunday school materials (typically what is left over from our VBS and Sunday school materials).
Medical missions (Need medical personnel, especially medical doctors.)
Set up medical clinics in Good Hope and Tuschen
May include vision exams (reading glasses) and other health screenings (blood pressure and glucose).
Monetary support all year long and for the mission team
Prayers for the souls in Guyana as well as our mission team
More Mission Points
Sons of the King - Young Men’s Bible Workshop
Sons of the King is a 4-day/4-night Bible workshop for young men ages 14-20 sponsored by Spring Hill Church of Christ. The goal is to equip young men to in increase in Bible knowledge, cultivate spiritual growth and instill qualities of those seeking leadership roles in the church and in the home. Click here to register.
Brazil - Alex Girodo
Alex graduated from Freed-Hardeman University with a degree in Bible. He has returned to his native Brazil to preach and teach at the Central Church of Christ in Belo, Brazil. Alex, Ana, and their children are helping spread the Gospel through many home Bible studies and other opportunities to grow the church.
Cherokee Church of Christ
The Cherokee Church of Christ is a small, but steadily growing, congregation of Christians in an area in desperate need of the Gospel message on the Indian Reservation in Cherokee, NC. Our support allows the congregation to employ a full-time preacher who is able to devote his time and attention to the people that live in that area.
Eastern European Missions
EEM provides Bibles and Biblical materials to school children, orphanages, libraries and adults in Russia and in the Ukraine.
Churches of Christ Disaster Relief
Disaster Relief is a Church of Christ disaster relief organization that provides truckloads of food, water, cleaning and other supplies to victims of natural disasters.
World Bible School
World Bible School offers core Bible lessons that can be studied online or via mail free of charge. Every student has a Christian study helper to walk with them through the studies. We have several members who serve as study helpers for this great outreach.
Tennessee Children’s Home
The Tennessee Children's Home is committed to serving abused, neglected, abandoned and orphaned children and youth in a Christian manner. The school provides for the spiritual, social, mental, emotional and educational needs of children while providing a safe environment.